1. Bee
Reproductive cycle of bees is very interesting - and complex. Like this story in a nutshell: the queen is selectively bred in a "cell queen" specifically the hive and fed royal jelly by worker bees to persuade him to grow up sexually.
A queen is still "virgin" can stand up to adults without assassinated by rival will do perkimpoian with kira2 dozen drone (from tens of thousands of qualified male bees in the colony). But do not mention is lucky, because when mating, drone genitals to explode and "snap off inside the queen" Of course the death of the drone.
2. Bonobo
Who said that violence is the only way to solve fights for regional competition for food or territory? From fighting, bonobo having sex! In fact, the whole social structure seems to revolve around sex.
Bonobo using sex as a salutation, to resolve disputes, fights, and as a reward in exchange of food.
3. Flat worms
If bonobo doing "penis fencing" as foreplay, flukes do in the real sense.
For flukes, sex is more like war than love. Like all sea slugs, flat worms are hermaphrodite (they have the sexual organs of men and women). In this case, their male organs penis appears to be two daggers like they used to catch or touch.During perkimpoian, two flukes fight (ie "penis fencing") for each stab one another, while avoiding puncture partnernya.
The loser (who was stabbing) will absorb the sperm through the skin and then bear the burden of the mother (female).
4. Frigate birds
A male frigate has a throat pouch that can expand with our hard work - it may take twenty minutes - a giant red heart shaped balloons. He then shook his head from side to side, shook its wings and calling females to view it.
A frigate female mating with males with the biggest and most shiny balloons. When connected, the male bird will put on the wings with sweet female eye to ensure that attention is not teralihkan by another male is more beautiful balloon.
5. Giraffe
With their long necks, perkimpoian is a hard work for a male giraffe. So, when a male attracted to the female giraffe, it executes the procedure known as "fleshmen sequence". First, the male to the female ass mendorong2 to stimulate urination.Then the male female art of drinking a sip of water. If feels good, adding, that the male from a female relation.
Actually, the word "first contact" may be too strong: in fact the male giraffe basically continue to follow the females until females surrender and let the male in relation to!
6. Dolphins
Here's something that may be ane-ane did not know about the dolphins: they have a retractable penis. And if that's not cool enough, this is something else: penis can be used to hold. And can rotate. In fact, the male dolphin can use the penis to explore objects just like tangan.lumba-race males also have a very strong sex drive.
Another fact is that male dolphins have a very voracious sexual appetite: they often try to connect with dead things and even with other animals such as sea turtles.When a male dolphin met a female dolphin, often they will try to force a female to kimpoi.
7. Clownfish
In the Disney animated film Finding Nemo, animatornya forgot to tell you one thing about clownfish: they can change gender!
Clownfish live in groups of male and female pair that can be widely, and some males do not breed. There are strict hierarchy in the group based on size: the largest fish was a female, the next largest is the male, and then other members of the group is male does not breed.
If a female died (or happen to catch a man, the largest male will change sex to be female! Then the largest of the males do not breed will get a promotion to become a male accompanying the female.
8. Bedbug / Lice Stinky
Male bedbug does not care about female sexual organ. In contrast, male bedbug uses sexual organs (which is shaped like a sword) to the female bedbug body piercing and inserting his sperm.
The scientists even have funny names for things like this: "Traumatic Insemination" Ouch.
9. Porcupine
First, female porcupines are interested in sex only about 8 to 12 hours in a year!Second, to encourage female kimpoi relation for a short season, the male porcupine stands at the foot of the back, menggoyang2kan body, and then inject a very rapid flow of urine from a 6-foot distance to the female body from head to foot!
If the female was not impressed, he would scream and kibaskan urine from his body.But, if he is ready, then the female will take the body back to expose the bottom of his stomach and let the male "ride" from the back (this is the only safe position for porcupines!). After perkimpoian begins, females do not will be satisfied: they force the male to marry multiple times until the male is really exhausted. If the male is too quickly tired, female porcupines will leave him for another male porcupine!.
10. Bowerbird
To attract couples, the male bowerbird build a remarkable structure of the complex referred to as "a Bower". It is made of twigs and often shaped like a small hut.
Males then decorate the "hut stag" it with various things as gifts: flowers, feathers, stones, and even plastic and glass. Hundreds of pieces is carefully arranged in monochromatic themes (ie all blue items). The bird will be really angry if you demoralize the hut (for example, by placing a color different things).
Bowerbird males spend hours sorting and organizing those things. In fact, they will break its focus only to go to other males shed to steal the goods and make the place a mess!.