Celebrities That Frequently Visited by a Ghost

Posted by Riken Afandi on Saturday, November 5, 2011

Apparently ghosts are also interested in celebrities. They carefully selecting celebrities who approached. The following celebrities who are often approached by a ghost. 

1. Michelle Williams
Michelle had a harrowing experience with a ghost. He had several times visited the deceased ex-fiance, who died, Heath Ledger. Visited late film star Michelle Batman The Dark Night, three months after his death. actress who has a son from Heath hereby named Matilda, woke up at 3:00 in the morning and see themselves moving furniture in his room. Soon after, he saw a shadow like Heath. At the second visit late Heath, Michelle apologize to him because he could not follow the treatment of Matilda to adults. 

2. Matthew McConaughey
Matthew is disturbed ghost when moving house. He developed a tent in front of room on the floor above, then sleep with her ​​dog. "That's the first time I saw Madame Blue. I hear the bass, moving timber, the coyote sound. So, I was out of the tent with my dog. But then I was stark naked. I did not find anything. I think we could abide because he saw me naked, "said Matthew. 

3. Lady Gaga
Gaga is known as 'ghost hunters'. Of course, this nyentrik singer not the real meaning of ghost hunting. He completed a series of tools to get rid of ghosts that are not closely himself. Gaga told one aide, the tool includes a readers electro-magnetic field. Ajudannya said, the teeth must be strong because they took it on the road. They should do the ritual cleansing of the ghost in every place where Gaga will Manggung. 

4. Lisa Rinna
Lisa is involved the making of episode on the show Celebrity Ghost Stories Biography Channel. There, he story about a haunted house. When his first daughter was 6 weeks, she's always laughing and looks like staring at something that is not visible. Similarly, the second child, Emilia. When Emilia was a baby, Lisa heard laughing alone. Lisa went into the baby's room and saw a foreign woman standing near the crib. 

5. Ke $ ha
Tik Tok's song Ke $ ha appears story about the events hidden in the house.Having so many fear, Ke $ ha is often persuade his friends that want to spend the night at his house. "I always try to convince my friends to spend the night at my house. The reason, I will not be disturbed if there hantui my friends. Once I woke up one morning surrounded by all my boyfriend. I woke up feeling like P. Diddy!, "he said.

6. Shayne Lamas Shayne story, never woke up one night and found that someone was writing on the wall of his house. Then in the future, the mirror in his room suddenly breaks for no reason. 

7. Keanu Reeves Keanu never felt experiences with ghosts as a child. At that time, he lived in New Jersey. One night, Keanu saw his shirt, without arms and legs flying toward his room, then disappear just like that. "The view is not only my appearance, pengasuhku also. He did not lose Syoknya me. After that, I could not sleep until the morning. And shadow continued menghantuiku the next night, "said Keanu. 

8. Anna Nicole Smith'sexperience with the specter of Anna suffered a bit different from the others. Artists who have died on February 8, 2007 when his life was told, digauli ghost. "Ghost crawl up into my legs and have sex with me in an old apartment in Texas. Before, I thought it was my girlfriend. But when I wake up, it appears not . At that time, I see it as the soul. I panicked. But he never hurt me. He just gave me some incredible sexual experience, "tuturnya. 

9. Taylor Momsen Taylor's story, his mother grew up in Devil's Lake, ND. Next to her neighbor died. Neighborhood was prosperous and the goods should be included in the museum. "I go ghost hunting. I take pictures and talk to all things. And there are actually two pictures that I take, one hand on the typewriter and the rest of his body is in a window," bebernya. 

10. Maksim Chmerkovskiy Maksim said, "There are hotels in North Carolina is a ghost of a women's rooms are occupied. In life, her husband's affair so that they are committing suicide by jumping out the window. I stayed in the room next door. I heard a lot of noise from the room. When I called the server room, they told that I would cool off. They said, was a ghost. I live to change my room ".
More aboutCelebrities That Frequently Visited by a Ghost

10 Most Popular Types of Dates

Posted by Riken Afandi on Friday, November 4, 2011

Hundreds of kinds of dates in this world, In Saudi Arabia there are about 400 species, not to mention in Tunisia, Iraq, Iran, Egypt and California and elsewhere. The following dates are well known and much in demand by hunters dates around the world,

Dates of Prophet: 
Only grown in soil Medina (Saudi Arabia) and this is the date palm pavorit Prophet 
Muhammad, the black color, soft texture, not sweetness and flavor 
almost like raisins. 

Sekki Dates: 
There are two colors, on the bottom is yellowish brown, the 
harder yellow, the brown is more tender and chewy, it 
was sweet. 

Barhi Dates: 
bright brown color, is sweet, soft texture such as durian, there is a little taste of caramel 

kholas Dates: 
light golden brown color similar barhi dates, just that there flavors of 
caramel coffee, soft texture of the sweet taste is. 

Khidri Dates: 
dark maroon color is more dry, chewy, not too sweet most widely 
produced, used base material processed dates, starting from the date 
the contents of almonds, orange, until the chocolate mixture. 

Mactoumi Dates: 
slightly reddish black color, surface slightly wrinkled, rubbery, sweet taste, 

Sokari Dates: 
soft chewy texture, but there is also a kind of harsh, most preferably in Saudi Arabia, a little dry and sweet. 

Silaj Dates: 
oval reddish-brown color, soft texture taste sweet is 

Majol Dates: 
brown color is very soft and chewy sweet 

Monief Dates: 
light brown color, not so great, being sweet and tender texture
More about10 Most Popular Types of Dates

10 Ways to Become Smart

Posted by Riken Afandi

Learning suddenly before the exam is not effective. At least a month before the test is an ideal time for revision. The material is a lot not a problem. There are ten smart way so that when we learn to become effective.

1. Learning to understand not just memorize
Yes, the main function is why we must learn to understand new things. We can 100% memorized every detail of the lesson, but more important is whether we have understood very well with all materials memorize it. So, before memorizing, always try to understand first outline the subject matter.

2. Reading is the key to learning
So we can understand, at least read the new material twice a day, ie before and after the matter was explained by the teacher. Because the brain has to process as much as three times the material can be guaranteed to be stored long enough in our brains.

3. Points of the lesson notes
Leave a note a long lesson. Get the gist or conclusion of each lesson that has been reread. The key words here that will be useful when we repeat the lesson during the exam.

4. Remember the key words
Sometimes, inevitably we have to memorize the subject matter quite a lot. Actually this can be handled. Make key words from each recitation, so easy to remember when we call the brain. For example, the keyword for the names of the colors of the rainbow is MEJIKUHIBINIU, meaning red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

5. Choose the appropriate study time
Time to learn the most delicious is the saaat our bodies are still fresh. Indeed, not everyone had a good time learning the same lo. But usually, the morning is the perfect time to concentrate fully. Use this time to process new materials. The remains of the energy can be used to repeat lessons and homework.

6. Build a comfortable learning atmosphere
Many things can make a comfortable learning atmosphere. We can select a song to suit our mood. Places we can also learn to adjust. If you're bored in the bedroom can be on the terrace or in the library. The key lest we interfere with learning activities and disturbed by others.

7. Forms of Study Groups
Then again bored self-taught, can learn together with friends. Do not worry a lot because it would not be effective, a maximum of five people. Create a division of the material to be learned each person. Then each person take turns explaining the material is mastered it to all other members. Learning atmosphere like this are usually exciting and we are guaranteed going to be difficult to sleep.

8. Train our own ability
Actually, we can train our own brains. At the end of each chapter lesson, usually always given practice questions. No need to wait for instructions from the teacher, try to answer all these questions and check the extent of our ability. If no one answers the material in the book, try to ask the teacher.

9. Develop material that has been studied
If we had repeated the material and answer all the practice questions, do not immediately close the book. Try our critical thinking style scientist. Make a few questions that have not been included in the exercises. Ask teachers to answer them. If not satisfied, find the answer in other reference books or the internet. In this way invites us to always think ahead and critical.

10. Take time to rest
Learning to be tight, but do not forget to rest. If in class, every pause lessons use to loosen the body and mind. Every 30-45 minutes of study time at home we are always interspersed with rest. If the mind is too late, it's useless to force myself. After the break, a fresh body and brain are ready to accept new material.

One again, the purpose of tests and examinations is to measure the extent of our ability to understand the subject matter in school. In addition to answering practice questions, there are other ways to test whether we have understood the material or not. Let us explain with words alone every material that has been studied. If we can explain clearly and regularly, unnecessary detail, means we have understood.
More about10 Ways to Become Smart

20 characteristics that destroy your future

Posted by Riken Afandi

From the book Personality Plus, we can conclude there are approximately 20 properties that can destroy ourselves, namely:

1. Bashful
Often avoid attention because of embarrassment
2. Unforgiving
It's hard to forget hurt over the injustice suffered, usual grudge

3. Resentful
Often harbored resentment due to be offended by the fact / fantasy

4. Fussy
Insisted great attention to detail / trivial
5. Insecure
Often feel sad / anxious / fear / lack of trust

6. Unpopular
Likes to ask someone else to perfectly suit his

7. Hard to please
Like to set a standard that is too high which are difficult to fulfill by others
8. Pessimistic
Often see the bad side first in any situation

9. Alienated
Often feel alienated / insecure, afraid that other people do not favor

10. Negative attitude
Rarely positive thinking, often only see the bad side / dark every situation
11. Withdrawn
Often for long solitary / withdrawn / isolate themselves

12. Too sensitive
Too introspective / want to be understood, easily offended when misunderstood

13. Depressed
Almost all the time feeling depressed
14. Introvert
Thought & attention directed inward, living in self-

15. Moody
Her spirits are often dropped drastically, especially if do not feel appreciated

16. Skeptical
Not easy to believe, questioned the motives behind the words
17. Loner
Requires a lot of personal time, tend to avoid others

18. Suspicious
Suspiciously like / do not believe the words of others

19. Revengeful
Conscious / unconscious often hold feelings, grudges, wants to return
20. Critical
Like to evaluate / assess / think / criticize negatively
More about20 characteristics that destroy your future

Facts about Sherlock Holmes

Posted by Riken Afandi on Thursday, November 3, 2011

1. Drug users 
do not get a case or when a compelling case that occurred in the community, Holmes felt tired and stressed, so for his escape, Holmes used to use drugs. The most frequently used drug was cocaine or morphine.

2. There is only one woman in the heart of Sherlock Holmes 

No single thing in every woman who can mebuat Holmes interested. Irene Adler only one who can make Holmes fell in love. That, too, because that makes Holmes stuck because his skill when handling cases of bohemian scandal

3. Forget to eat while working on the case 
When working on cases, Sherlock Holmes is not a new breakfast and evening meal when time when it came to his home in Baker Street. He was always too zeal to forget to fill his belly, especially when dealing with difficult cases.

4. Having an older brother 

Sherlock Holmes's brother Mycroft Holmes is. Physical characteristics are very fat and hard to move. There are interesting things from himself Mycroft, Mycroft is described has a capacity far above Sherlock. But because the fat, then he can hardly move and just work behind the scenes.Mycroft worked for British intelligence agencies.
5. Master of disguise 
Holmes in some action in his novel a master of disguise, like a jockey horses, beggars and can be bent old man. Holmes disguises very great until Watson was not able to recognize it.
6. Low profile 
when Holmes solve the case, he did not want his name raised to the surface, Sherlock hated publicity, so that the inspector who handles the case file is exactly what was always considered a hero. Inspector of the most frequently raised in the case of Sherlock Holmes is Inspector Lestrade.

7. Expert in close combat 

Sherlock should have become a professional boxer who is very reliable, but eventually he left boxing and detectives engaged in the world. Recounted in the novel by bodyguards who are professional boxer enemy number one in London who got beat battered by Sherlock.
8. Having a little detective subordinate 
agents They rather clever detective in disguise or deduction. Agents are a bunch of street children in Baker Street. Sherlock very fond of street children as informants by the movement of these children are not dcurigai by opponents Holmes. Usually after receiving the information, Holmes will give these children money in exchange

9. Having a true partner, namely Doctor Watson 

Watson is a retired doctor in Afghanistan, he met Sherlock when you want to find friends to share a dorm room. When finished completing the case of The Sign of Four, Sherlock is very sad that Watson decided to move from apartmentnya because his client wanted to marry at that time, namely Mary Morstan.
10. Watson writing style that is always criticized 
the Sherlock Holmes novel, the book tells all about the cases that have been published to the public and may be written by Watson. Watson has always documented cases of Sherlock Holmes into a case file. Wanting to attract people, then Watson wrote it as a rather ordinary story highlight scientific matters, and because of this factor is always criticize the writing style of Sherlock Watson. 
More aboutFacts about Sherlock Holmes

10 most haunted city in the United

Posted by Riken Afandi

Visit the town - a small city in the U.S. and you will hear some local ghost stories and found a few houses and haunted places. But few cities in the United States has a reputation for being the city's most haunted by the story that melatar belakangi a tragic event. Here are the ten most haunted cities in the U.S.:

10. San Francisco, California
San Francisco city rich in culture, a large immigrant population, and the history of natural disasters such as earthquakes, have helped to develop its reputation as one of the most haunted city in America. Chinatown is home to ghosts and folklore tours countless creepy, but the city also offers many haunted hotels, houses, and military bases. Of these, the most famous one is the Queen Anne Hotel, which serves as a school for girls in the 1890s and is said to be haunted by the ghosts of former school principal, Mary Lake. There is also a story about Mary Anne Pleasant, called the "Voodoo Queen of San Francisco," is an ex-slave and abolisionis using black magic to get the wealth and influence of the city's elite. Even the San Francisco Art Institute, which is reportedly built on the tombs, which support the earthquake victims in 1906, is said to have seen ghosts that walk up the stairs to the tower overlooking the ancient tombs.
Most armature places: Alcatraz
Alcatraz 560x371
Alcatraz Island is one of the landmark San Francisco's most famous, but the former maximum security prison that keeps a lot of mysterious ghost stories. The visitors often went kepulau saw the appearance of walking on the block lattice, and sometimes hear voices coming from the cafeteria.

9. Key West, Florida
Florida city's rich history of pirates and rumrunners melatar belakangi ghost stories this city, like the Saloon, Captain Tony said to haunt. Before a bar, saloon Captain Tony is suspected as a mortuary site, and trees growing through the center of the building is said to have become the main place for pirates and other criminals in the death penalty, and many are said to still haunt the place until today. another local ghost stories concern the author Ernest Hemingway, who occupied a house in Key West for thirty years. Hemingway house, now a museum dedicated to the life and work, said the house was haunted by the ghosts of the novelist. Some visitors and employees admitted to see him walk, while others hear the voice of his typewriter typing coming from the main column.
Most popular Ghost: Robert the Doll
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The island's art and history museums are not terrible, but does not contain any of the historical artifacts creepy in Key West that is, a puppet of Robert the Doll, this doll is given to the artist Gene Otto in the early 1900s, and his boys turned pale and afraid , because it says the dolls are often threatened her and wake her in the evening by throwing furniture in the room. The child's parents often swear that they saw the puppets move, and their neighbors have seen the puppet pacing in front of the windows home when the family is away.

8. Athens, Ohio
Athens, Ohio is a small town is a place where the University of Ohio and a few ghost stories that really strange. Peaceful population has inspired ghost stories that include everything from cars without head machinist story to the cult of the pagan and violent racial murder cattle. Many claim that when plotted on a map, the town was surrounded by the graves graves, all of which form the symbol pentagram.dan strange rituals that inspired the stories of ghosts in the city. Many stories are pulled back kemasa ago when the city is related to the Spiritualist movement in 1800. The most famous tells Jonathan Koons, a poor farmer ordered by the ghost to develop a "mental space" in which the appearance and manifestation and then communicate with him from the dead.
Most haunted places: Athens Lunatic Asylum
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Adacerita of creepy old mental hospital in the city, and Athens has one of the most famous in Athens Lunatic Asylum, which operated from 1874 to 1993. This hospital patients dihui by former force, and is known as a place hundreds of lobotomies.Since the closure, the hospital has become the center of many ghost stories, most of which still live by the students at the university, which now has asylum policy. The most famous of these problems is the story of Margaret, a deaf-mute patient who allegedly escaped from his room, and stuck in a range of non-touchable, and ultimately died because of hunger. Decaying body was found a week later, and the stain is left on the floor of the barn can still be seen until today.

7. Portland, Oregon
Portland, Oregon has developed a reputation as the most haunted city, thanks to the strange history, and the high number of ghost appearance. One of the most famous house in the city, was Pittock Mansion, a home furnishings built in 1914 by a wealthy businessman and his wife, both died soon afterwards. Visitors have seen the appearance and claim footsteps heard from the room is empty, and the doors and windows will sometimes open by itself. The most curious of all is, the portrait Mr. Pittock, who is building the house, either portrait will be found in various parts rungan home, seems to be able to move itself from room to room. In addition to the house Pittock, Portland is still a terrible place, including theater Baghdad, a movie house built in late 20's that allegedly houses a number of spirits, and the Willamette River, where in recent years a phantom rowboat has been viewed by several people.
Most haunted places: Shanghai Tunnel
Shanghai Tunnels 533x400
Portland beach location was established as a port for mariners sailing and for 1800.This eventually leads to the emergence of the practice known as shanghaiing, where men and women who had been kidnapped more than a bar or hotel, sent to the East, and has made a forced labor or prostitution. Portland increased tremendously popular because he made a series of underground labyrinth of tunnels under the streets dbangundi the city, which is used by Shanghaiiers as a secure way to capture and transfer to the port without a visible sacrifice. Today, the tunnel is said to be haunted by the ghosts of those who had been kidnapped, many of whom had never seen or heard from again.

6. Charleston, South Carolina
Known as the "Holy City" for its steeple, Charleston is one of the oldest city in the United States, and one of the most haunted. Victorian mansions lined daridaerah center known as the Battery, which is the installation of protective artillery during the Civil War, and here that many of the city's most haunted houses can be found.Perhaps the most famous is the Battery Carriage House Inn, a hotel where people have reported seeing strange lights, ghost of a student who died after jumping from the roof, a body without a head that appears next to the bed 'in the middle of the night. Charleston is also known by a number of ghost stories that originated with the Gullah, West African culture that flourished in the state of South Carolina and Georgia. Horror stories are the most famous of the Gullah Boo Hag is usually based on type of red blood vampires who wear human skin as a mask and sacrificial energy absorbing when they fell asleep.
Most haunted places: Dock Street Theatre
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Charleston is filled with past building boxes, and one of the most famous is the Dock Street Theater. Built in 1809, the theater is said to be the home of two souls. The first is Nettie, a poor prostitute who lost near the theater when struck by lightning.The other is a ghost Junius Brutus Booth, an actor who is known today is the father of John Wilkes Boothe, who killed Abraham Lincoln. The second spirit is said to travel the area behind the theater, and many employees and players have seen their claims.

5. Salem, Massachusetts
In 1692, a series of famous experiments after three local women accused of using magic to meneror trio of young girls. Trial was then increased to mass hysteria, with impassioned citizens accused neighbors and acquaintances, almost all of them unmarried woman, a witch. More than 150 people arrested and charged, and 19 people eventually hanged. Currently, the city of Salem led to its reputation as the "Witch City, USA" and has one of the largest Halloween celebrations in the country.In addition to tourist shops and museums, though, stood a few well-known ghost stories associated with witches conference. One of the concerns, particularly Gallows Hill, where the 19 people hanged, said to be haunted by the spirit of the 19 people sentenced to death for a witch.
Most haunted places: Joshua Ward House
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Known as one of the most haunted house in America, Joshua Ward House was built on the foundation of the house George Corwin, a man who served as sheriff for a judicial witches in Salem. Corwin noted for his role in the death of Giles Corey, a local man was charged with witchcraft. When Corey refused to enter the application in court, Corwin using an ancient English legal precedent, and placed him under board piled with stones to force him to talk. Corey never gave in, and he finally crushed to death under a heavy pile of large stones. To this day, many believe that Corey and Corwin, reportedly buried under the foundation of his old home, haunted Joshua Ward House.

4. Chicago, Illinois
Thank you to the most famous criminals like Al Capone gangster history, Chicago has developed a reputation for a haunted city. The city has a number of famous ghost stories whispered among the local people every Halloween, and probably no more well-known that the story of Mary. Like the story, Mary was a young girl who was beaten and hit by a car when leaving the room dancing with his girlfriend. He was buried in Resurrection Cemetery nearby, and since then he can regularly be seen wandering the streets in the cemetery with his white dress, still trying to find a way home. Another famous story is what came to be known as the "Devil Baby of Hull House," a child born with scaly skin and pointy tail of a reputedly haunted house that was owned by well-known activist Jane Addams.
Most haunted places: Bachelor Grove Cemetery
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Rumored to be one of the favorite places of the prohibition-era gangster 'to remove the body, Bachelor's Grove is an old graveyard land banya tells stories about ghosts, spirits, and worship the devil. Some of the gravestones in the graveyard seem to be moving, and many claim that the spirits of the dead often materialize and walk at night. The most famous of these is the "White Lady," the ghost of a young woman who is always seen wearing a white dress, often carry the baby in her arms.

3. Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
In July 1863, the city of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania is the location of the largest military clash of the Civil War, which until today is still the most bloody events that have occurred on American soil. More than 150,000 total soldiers gathered at the scene, and when the battle is completed by 50,000 people were killed, wounded, or missing. Shadow battles were still standing on the city until today, and many report a lost army of ghost appearance on the battlefield. What is unique about Gettysburg is a thin amount and frequency of appearance of the ghost. Some places in the city, such as a house Jenny Wade, a woman who was killed by stray bullets from the battle.
Most haunted places: The Devil's Den
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The Devil's Den is a rocky area and check the stone which was the place of one of the second day of the battle cannon. This place is famous because of the location of skirmishing that occurs when a unit of the Union artillery returning fire on Confederate sharpshooter from behind the rocks. They then find the body, and photographer Alexander Gardner took photos, which since then become one of the picture of the battle. But recent evidence suggests that the body in the photo is not a person who is responsible, and some even claim that Gardner dragging the bodies of others to such places to take pictures. Should, ghost now haunts the Devil's Den, and until this day park visitors often have a big problem to try to take photos near the site. Photos are often out blurry and can not be used, and the odd camera suddenly died every time activated in the area.

2. Savannah, Georgia
With so many funerals, gothic houses, and hanging Spanish moss covered trees, Savannah, GA according to the charge of a city haunted as well as the cities in America. That is one of the few places lapsed Sherman burned during the era of "March to the Sea" during the Civil War, and because it still contains the architecture that serves as the perfect place for ghost stories. One example is the House of pirates, the restaurant at the end of the 1700s as a pub for sailors and pirates. and it is said that on the night of drunken sailors singing voice can still be heard.
Haunted place: the Hampton Lillibridge House
Hampton Lillibridge House 300x400
Hampton Lillibridge House is a three storey building which was built in 1796 and originally as the home cost. When it bought in 1960 by a developer who hopes to revive, and when that strange phenomenon began to occur. At one point during construction, a portion of the roof collapsed, killing one worker. Other developers have said they heard voices and footsteps of their own every time, and that the pieces of construction equipment are often thrown across the room. Even the most frightening, they say that they often see a man in a black setting their gaze from inside the house. eksorsisme countless and research has occurred in the house, and after passing through several owners, the haunting presence is said to have remained until now.

1. New Orleans, Louisiana
All the cities of the southern port of almost a ghost story, but no more than New Orleans, which has really embraced his reputation as a center of all paranormal activity. All criteria tend to produce the legendary ghost-shore locations, boxes of the past, the rich cultural history, and a strong mix of old world and new religions can be found here. This city is full of haunted houses, bars, and the graveyard, and you can not go far without hearing the stories of cursed pirate ship, the spirit of the era of civil war, and Voodoo. In this area, one of the most famous is Marie Laveau, a Creole woman who get great followers for the year 1800 as one of the first practitioner of Voodoo. He died in 1881, but for years after a lot of people claimed to see him walking along the French Quarter, and more than 120 years later the legendary ghost of the "Voodoo Queen of New Orleans" still persists.
Most haunted place: House LaLaurie
LaLaurie House 560x372
In the heart of the French quarter Road is a house decoration in the 1800's doctors and his wife Delphine Louis LaLaurie. Like the story, the couple deal with their children in cold blood, and no evidence of Lady LaLaurie responsible for the murder of a girl of 12 years. Rumor was validated during a night fire occurred in the kitchen of the house. Firefighters rushed to the place, and when they kicked the door, they were dumbfounded when the boy found some sort of chained to the wall in the prison emergency. Since then many people believe that LaLaurie surgeon accused of doing weird experiments on children, but modern evidence suggests that this may be excessive. Either way, the sadistic pair allegedly fled from the town, and Lady LaLaurie eventually disappear. The mansion is still standing where the horror occurred today, and several ghosts have been seen, among which are the spirits of the couple and the boy Delphine LaLaurie a young girl who is alleged to have them killed.
More about10 most haunted city in the United