One vehicle water wars of the most widely produced by the military is the submarine,because in addition to the vehicles, submarines also frequently used as a deadlyweapon combat.
Here is a list of 10 most lethal submarine in the world that was released by the sophistication of weapons combat with the speed cruising is accompanied byrealitypod:
10. Los Angeles Class - USA
The speed reached 20 knots with combat weapons specifications tubes10Mk48 4bow torpedo ADCAP reloadsTomahawk land attack missile block 3 SLCM,Harpoon anti-surface ship missiles, Mine laying Mk67, Mk60 captor Mobile mines.

9. Rubis Class - France
The speed reached 25 knots with a weapon specification 4 Anti-submarine combattubesF17 mod2 torpedoes14 Exocet SM39OR, Mines in place of torpedoes.

8. Victor III Class - Soviet Union
The speed reached 32 knots with 2 x combat weapon specification SS-N-15'Starfish' anti-submarine missiles, plus 2 x SS-N-21 'Sampson' cruise missiles or 2 xSS-N-16 'Stalion' missiles2 x 650 -mm and 6 x 533-mm bow tubes (two 533-mm406-mm tubes with liners). 6 x 650-mm torpedoes's up to 18 x 533-mmOR, 36ground mines in place of torpedoes.

7. Sierra Class - Soviet Union
The speed reached 10 knots with combat weapons specification SS-N-15 Starfish orSS-N-16 Stallion anti-submarine missiles; SS-N-21 cruise Samson missiles4 x650-mm and 4 x 533-mm torpedo tubesOR, 42 mines in place of torpedoes.

6. Trafalgar Class - UK
The speed reached 30 knots with combat weapons specification of 5 x 21 inchtorpedo tubesTomahawk land-attack cruise missilesSpearfish heavyweight wire-guided torpedoes. Harpoon anti-surface missiles.

5. Type 093 Shang Class - China
The speed reached 35 knots with combat weapons specifications YJ-82 anti-shipmissiles6 x 533-mm torpedo tubes.
The speed reached 35 knots with combat weapons specifications YJ-82 anti-shipmissiles6 x 533-mm torpedo tubes.

4. Astute Class - UK
The speed reached 29 knots with the specifications of Tomahawk cruise missilescombat weapons; Harpoon anti-ship missiles in place of torpedoes6 x 533-mm bowtubes for 36 Spearfish torpedoesOR. Mines in place of torpedoes.
The speed reached 29 knots with the specifications of Tomahawk cruise missilescombat weapons; Harpoon anti-ship missiles in place of torpedoes6 x 533-mm bowtubes for 36 Spearfish torpedoesOR. Mines in place of torpedoes.

3. Seawolf Class - USA
Speeds reach 18 knots with combat weapons specifications 8 x 660-mm torpedotubes for 50 torpedoes or cruise missiles OR Up to 100 mines in place of torpedoesor missiles.
Speeds reach 18 knots with combat weapons specifications 8 x 660-mm torpedotubes for 50 torpedoes or cruise missiles OR Up to 100 mines in place of torpedoesor missiles.

2. Akula II Class - Soviet Union
The speed reached 12 knots with combat weapons specification 4 x 650 mm and 4 x533-mm torpedo tubes for up to 40 torpedoes or missiles OR Up to 42 mines inplace of torpedoes.
The speed reached 12 knots with combat weapons specification 4 x 650 mm and 4 x533-mm torpedo tubes for up to 40 torpedoes or missiles OR Up to 42 mines inplace of torpedoes.

1. Virginia Class - USA
The speed reached 25 knots with combat weapons specification 12 x verticallaunch system tubes for UGM-109 Tomahawk missiles4 x 533-mm bow tubes forMk.48 torpedoes, Smart mines in place of torpedoes.
The speed reached 25 knots with combat weapons specification 12 x verticallaunch system tubes for UGM-109 Tomahawk missiles4 x 533-mm bow tubes forMk.48 torpedoes, Smart mines in place of torpedoes.

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