From the book Personality Plus, we can conclude there are approximately 20 properties that can destroy ourselves, namely:
1. Bashful
Often avoid attention because of embarrassment
2. Unforgiving
It's hard to forget hurt over the injustice suffered, usual grudge
3. Resentful
Often harbored resentment due to be offended by the fact / fantasy
4. Fussy
Insisted great attention to detail / trivial
5. Insecure
Often feel sad / anxious / fear / lack of trust
6. Unpopular
Likes to ask someone else to perfectly suit his
7. Hard to please
Like to set a standard that is too high which are difficult to fulfill by others
8. Pessimistic
Often see the bad side first in any situation
9. Alienated
Often feel alienated / insecure, afraid that other people do not favor
10. Negative attitude
Rarely positive thinking, often only see the bad side / dark every situation
11. Withdrawn
Often for long solitary / withdrawn / isolate themselves
12. Too sensitive
Too introspective / want to be understood, easily offended when misunderstood
13. Depressed
Almost all the time feeling depressed
14. Introvert
Thought & attention directed inward, living in self-
15. Moody
Her spirits are often dropped drastically, especially if do not feel appreciated
16. Skeptical
Not easy to believe, questioned the motives behind the words
17. Loner
Requires a lot of personal time, tend to avoid others
18. Suspicious
Suspiciously like / do not believe the words of others
19. Revengeful
Conscious / unconscious often hold feelings, grudges, wants to return
20. Critical
Like to evaluate / assess / think / criticize negatively
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