Animals wild this one will take anything on the front, from shoes, to the fraction of disk ordnance was found in his stomach. Sometimes she bites something impossible he can chew. This tiger shark greed has even started before they were born into the world under the sea. In his mother's womb, they punish one another mutually.
2. Pig

Business is very greedy, even if his stomach is very small. One fact about this pig, this animal likes to sleep on his own filth, until his body is full of filth.
3. Birds eating the carcass

of this bird is a carnivore floor. Their food is meat, only meat and only meat even though meat is terhidang "half-baked" and udah decay. They will devour the carcasses of animals as possible, as quickly as possible, so much so that their weight to 20% more weight after eating.
4. Tasmanian Devil

Animals Australian native food can be devoured by 40% mature body weight in just 30 minutes. Might sound familiar aja, but let us compare it with humans, it is just the same as we devoured the 216 hamburgers in the same tempo.
5. Vampire Bats

Animals "cute" this great sport just like adults, but the sharp teeth can tear the blood vessels and suck our blood, a total of 5 teaspoons once a bite. Suck the blood of this animal before, he would "piss" sacrificial first.
6. Python

-legged Animals are not able to swallow food and even greater than his own. As she had a poker digestive system, the Piton takes a long time to eat again in about a few days and even months.
7. Wide Mouth Frog Argentina

Also known as horned toads, Argentinean wide-mouthed frog is so not afraid or scared when menyambangi food. These animals eat anything as mice, small lizards and snakes. Even saking greedy, can be torn due to satiate his stomach.
8. Humming bird Bird

Animal food requires once every 10 minutes. With the winged wings of 200 times per minute and the heart that beats 1200 times every menitnya, humming bird will burn 14,000 calories, equal to the calories needed to run a marathon man.
9. Blue Whale

Weighing 200 tons and 100 feet long, not just the blue whale the largest animal on the planet, possibly the largest animal ever. The food is krill (small invertebrates like shrimp of length 1 inch), about 40 million krill per day.
10. Worms

Worms are probably the smallest of the 10 other animals. He is known as "eating machine". For a worm, he would eat very very greedy foliage. Growing up 1000 times in just two months. Preparation before "berinkarnasi" a beautiful butterfly.
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