Today video games are developed to address the human need for entertainment. But, not infrequently it triggers a video game controversy, and even forced some countries to ban a video game. Reasons banning various video games, ranging from the content contained violence to be promoting gambling.

game series Pokemon banned in saudi arabia. The cause of the ban because of this card game diangga promote perjudian.pada 2001, all products of the Pokemon franchise is prohibited because it is also associated with Zionism and other religious intolerance. Games are claimed to contain the features of the cross, and "the star of david" symbol of the state Israel.

in 1997, Carmageddon judged to have deviated in which displays images of excessive force. Fantasies of violence that appear to make this game banned in brazil, german and english, manager 2005: manager 2005:

This football themed game banned in China in 2005. The government of the people republic china china uu claim inimelanggar game because it contains content harmful to China's sovereignty and territorial integrity. Because in this game, fm 2005 to enter Tibet and Taiwan as a country separate from China.
7.mortal kombat:

Brazil and Germany prohibit perdaran this game because the game battle often display excessive blood. Since 1992, mortal kombat series has brought controversy to the game. Even the entertainment software rating board (ESRB) eventually require all video games to be assessed and given a warning label on the packaging of the game.
6.left 4 dead 2:
6.left 4 dead 2:

Australian and German governments ban this game because it does not provide a warning label so that the game is played only adults aged 18 years and over. The images that appear are often excessive, call it a zombie, cuts, wounds and piles of corpses into details.
5.bully (Canem canis):
5.bully (Canem canis):

banned in Brazil, England and the United States. This game is considered to take the children to school to do mischief at school and is considered to be harmful to morale younger generation.
4.grand theft auto:
4.grand theft auto:

this game banned in Australia and axles and has always been controversial.Although the game is sophisticated enough to use google maps perspective, the core theme of this game is considered to teach robbery, violence and drugs. Even in the series GTA: San Andreas, this game features present a mini game called hot coffee. In the mini games there is a scene between two characters games that are having sex. Suddenly, the team's sensors immediately game-rating game. of duty:

banned in saudi arabia, UAE, Russia and Cuba. War games like call of duty is considered to have melencengkan history because of the location and time spent on the theme of war is usually taken when the time of the war in a country. Call of Duty Series the most controversy is modern warfare 2 and black ops. However, they even reaped considerable profit from his best-selling game software sales.

postal, game that brought the genre of 'first-person shooter' menampilak some terrible scenes. Gamers are invited to shoot a number of workers and civilians who are being told 'rampage' in an area of Irish background. Digamarkan civilians and insurgents are being ramped up production of drugs for the purposes of terrorism.Terrorist game is banned in 13 countries including Australia, New Zealand and Sweden.

At 2008 Manhunt 2 banned because of the content of the display of sadism.Rockstar as the developer had released its revised version, however, remains banned. Bought and sold. Much earlier, padda 2004, first made headlines Manhunt British newspapers following the death of a student 14 years due to being stabbed and beaten in Leicester, central England city of east. Victim's parents feel confident the killer get inspiration from that game, despite police and lawyers to explain there was no evidence that games play a role in the murder. This game is banned in seven countries, including Germany, Britain and Ireland.
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